"We’re Trying to Scare People to Awareness"

“This is Lars Knobloch, and he is a home inspector here in the area. He started this nifty new video series on Facebook that kind of is an eye opener for anybody who is out there looking to buy a new home.”

Emily: So, what was the idea to put some of this on video, you said you almost wanted to scare people right?

Lars: Yeah, we kind of tried to scare people to awareness. We see it on a day-to-day basis how people are not keeping up with their maintenance, and we see the consequences of that. We have become very passionate about trying to educate our community with the little things you can do to prevent bad things from happening to their house. Facebook is kind of the way we’re trying to reach out to people with that.

Emily: You gave us this example of electrical problems that you said were a shocker.

Lars: Yeah, so this is a house from the 1950s. It was a really, tight attic space, and I could tell no one has ever been in there before. I made it all the way to the other side, and I found this wall of electrical nightmares where you had exposed live energized wires covered in dust and insulation, and it’s most likely been like that since the house was built.

Emily: Sure! And if you haven’t updated your wiring in a long time, all it takes is dry conditions and a spark and that’s the end of your house. Not to mention putting your family pretty much in harms way. What other things have you seen out there?

Lars: Some of the funny things we’ve seen were people drying their meat in the garage attic, dead mouse in the water softener is always a classic as it dissolves into your drinking water or ice cubes. We have come over foundations that’s to the point that it can’t be repaired, and home owners are trying to hide it by framing out walls in front of it. It just shows the importance of having the house looked at before you buy it because it’s the biggest investment you make in your life. It’s a fairly small amount to have a home inspector come take a look at it.

Summary: Don’t Hide Your Home Problems

Lars Knobloch from Nordic Home Inspection is trying to bring awareness to the home buyer. It is not a smart move to put off getting a home inspection because he has seen some crazy things with houses. He thoroughly inspects homes for every minor problem because if you’re a new home owner is looking for a house, you may not want to buy a house with even the slightest problem. Get it checked first with Nordic Home Inspection! Call 701-566-1446 today.