When you invest in a new home, condominium, townhouse, or apartment, the last thing you want to do is move in and uncover a bunch of problems with it right away. It can give you immediate buyer’s remorse and make you wish you had done more homework on the property before purchasing it. Nordic Home Inspection can help you steer clear of this scenario by setting you up with a home inspection in Detroit Lakes, MN. As the only ASHI certified inspector in North Dakota, we check a house out from top to bottom and make sure you don’t have anything to worry about when you buy it.

Detroit Lakes, ND Certified Home & Property Inspector

It’s easy to miss potential problems in a home when you’re interested in buying it. The remodeled kitchen and the shiny new appliances can blind you and cause you to look right past issues with a house. Nordic Home Inspection will serve as your second set of eyes when conducting a home inspection. From the roof to the foundation and everything in between, our certified inspector will check out every aspect of a home. That includes the plumbing and electrical systems, the heating and cooling system, the doors and windows, the attic and crawlspace, and more. We’re even capable of testing for mold, radon, and asbestos if you choose to test for them.

Should You Hire A Professional Home Inspector Before Purchasing Your New Home In Detroit Lakes, MN?

You could be making a big mistake if you don’t schedule a home inspection before buying a new home. It doesn’t matter if the home was just built or built 50 years ago. There could be problems with it not obvious to the naked eye. By investing in a home inspection and calling on a certified inspector for help, you’ll be able to get all the information on a home you’ll need to make an informed buying decision. It’ll allow you to avoid having any regrets later when you move into a home.

Get in touch with Nordic Home Inspection at 701-566-1446 to learn more about how a home inspection in Detroit Lakes, MN can benefit you.