KVRR Local News Interview - Snow Danger at Home

It’s “Snow” Joke…

As if it’s not tough enough to survive out in the elements in our extreme snow, ice and cold temperatures, now you need to worry about the conditions it’s creating inside your home, too.

We’re talking about snow buildup on the Morning Show, and to do it, we invited Lars Knobloch of Nordic Home Inspections to sit down in studio with the Morning Show’s Emily Welker.

Knobloch’s been out in these crazy cold and snow conditions inspecting homes all winter, and when he’s indoors, he’s updating his blog with great tips about some of those winter hazards to look out for inside your home.

In these conditions, everything from your gas meter to your radon system to your gas fireplace vent can become blocked by snow. When it happens with radon, for example, it starts accumulating indoors, he said — which you don’t want. Something similar can happen if your plumbing vent gets frozen over.

Then there’s what happens when your window wells get filled up or your furnace pipes freeze over, which come with a whole new set of difficulties.

Check out the video to see what you’re risking by letting steep snow pile up around the home, and why Knobloch jokes he can get rid of all his ladders for roof inspections now.

And for more information on how you can save yourself a headache — and maybe a serious health hazard from snow and ice around the house — check out the link to his blog.

If you think you need any check-ups on your home after this cold winter, please contact Nordic Home Inspection at 701-566-1446.

Summary: Lars Talks About the Problems Snow Can Cause to Your Home

Snow can be dangerous to your property. If it gets heavy enough on your roof and gutters, it can cause you problems in the Spring. Many things can get blocked by snow pile-up, which won’t be good when you have to get to these places like the gas meter. Your pipes can freeze over and your window wells can fill up. These things need to be taken care of or else your house will have some problems.